OMG? How? Predictions From Nostradamus That Are Coming True and TOP 10 2017 Predictions

Wouldn’t you like to know what the future holds or what significant events are to come? Just so you’re ready for them. We have fortune tellers and psychics who claim they get images of what the future will be like.

Back in the mid-1500’s there was a French pharmacist turned ‘seer’ who made predictions for various calamities that would unfold in the centuries to come. Michel de Nostredame, latinized Nostradamus, wrote his first almanac of predictions in 1550 and 1551, along with annual calenders. In these two years he made about 6,338 prophecies. His most famous publication that he wrote in 1955 and which is still printed even today is ‘Les Propheties’ or The Prophecies.

The followers of Nostradamus believe that he has predicted major world calamities over the centuries. As to how accurate they really are, it depends on how they are interpreted by the reader. Many scholars feel that the vague predictions can be mistranslated to associate them to any calamity a person wants, linking them to events taking place just to prove that his prophecies hold some truth.

Some believe that many of his predictions have come true, the belief is that his other predictions for the future are not far off in becoming a reality.

We’ll let you be the judge of that. Take a look at some of the prophecies that Nostradamus made:

1. Napoleon – An Emperor Shall be born near Italy. Who shall cost the Empire dear? They shall say, with what people he keeps company, he shall be found less a Prince than a butcher

In the raising of his Empire, Napoleon showed no mercy to a friend or foe. He was relentless towards his works and his enemy that he slaughtered in his wake. Many of his supporters thought of him as a butcher rather than a leader.

2. Adolph Hitler – He shall come to tyrannize the land. He shall raise up a hatred that had long been dormant. The child of Germany observes no law. It was all cries, tears, fire, blood, and battle.
This particular prediction brings only one man to mind, Adolph Hitler. His animosity against the Jews reopened a hostility that existed back in the days of Ramesses the Great. Hitler’s desire to take over the world resulted in what the prediction says, that Germany would observe no law, and there would be cries, tears, fire, and blood.

3. Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Near the gates and within two cities, there will be scourges the like of which was never seen
The atomic bomb that was dropped on the cities of Japan was a sight no one had seen before. The devastation was unthinkable, yet a man in the 1500s predicted such a calamity.

4. 9/11 – Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two great rocks will war for a long time
Many believe that this particular prediction was the foretelling of 9/11. Earthshaking from the twin towers collapsing which was caused by the two great rocks (airplanes) in the New City which seems to fit with New York City. Something to think about.

5. French Revolution – Songs, chants, and demands will come from the enslaved held captive by the nobility in their prison
The French Revolution that took place in 1789 was about the a revolt against the aristocrats of France. Bastille Fort, which was used as a prison at the time, was stormed as a symbolic show of how the people of France no longer wanted their monarch to rule.

6. Louis Pasteur – Lost, found, hidden for so long a time, the pastor will be honored as a demigod

Louis Pasteur was one of the three founders of microbiology. Through his breakthroughs in germ research, he was able to create a vaccine for rabies and anthrax. Louis was also the biologist that introduced the process of pasteurization to stop milk from making people sick. People of that time did see him as a demigod.

7. World War III – The sky will burn at 45 degrees, fire approaches the great new city. By fire he will destroy their city. A cold and cruel heart, blood will pour, mercy to none.
The closest new city that lies at 45 degrees latitude is New York. If at any time this city were to be destroyed in such a manner it is fairly safe to say that the US would wage war, which would in reality lead to WWIII. Yikes!!

8. The Great Earthquake – The sloping park great calamity, through the lands of the West and Lombardy

The lands of the west takes us to North America and when we refer to sloping park and great calamity,it is relatively safe to say we are talking about a massive earthquake. Keeping along this line of logic one would believe this disaster would strike the state of California considering all the seismic activity there. It is known for its earthquakes.

9. Nuclear War – The deep entry  made by the great queen, will render the place powerful and inaccessible, the army of the three lions will be defeated
Some believe that this is a prediction of war between Pakistan and India. The three lions are associated with India since the emblem of India is of three lions standing back to back in a circle. According to the prediction, the army of three lions will lose. Something to ponder on.
So what do you think? Could Nostradamus predict the future?
Top 10 Nostradamus Predictions for 2017

We’re already looking into our crystal balls and checking Nostradamus’ books to see what he predicted would happen in 2017:

10. Russia & Ukraine Will Sign a Peace Agreement

According to Nostradamus, 2017 will be the year Russia & the Ukraine come to an agreement – the terms of the agreement are unclear at this time. The United States will oppose the new truce, but Germany and other EU members will embrace it. That’s different from what has already happened and what we’ve read in mainstream media reports. US Vice President Joe Biden voiced his stance in December, 2015 – the United States is determined to see Russia adhere to a shaky Ukrainian peace agreement and hand back Crimea to Kiev.

9. China Will Make Bold Moves

China will make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance“ in the world. According to Nostradamus, its actions will have far reaching effects. Will China become the new Superpower as Baba Vanga happened to predict in the 20th century? The past decade, the notion of China becoming the world’s next superpower has become almost an idee fixe for global politics theorists. Compared to the other so-called BRICS – Brazil, Russia and India – China shines like the moon. Between 1978 and the present, China has been able to surge from being a marginal player on the global stage to a powerhouse that has attracted $2 trillion of foreign direct investment.

8. A Year of Definition for Latin America

While 2017 will not be a breakout year for Latin American countries, Nostradamus also predicted that it will be a year of redefinition for them. Governments will move away from leftish policies and will help set the stage for potential civil unrest in the region.

7. Italy Will Face Financial Hardship

Unemployment and loans will make Italy the “epicenter” of the EU financial crisis, shifting attention away from the Greeks and Spain. The Italian banking system is in serious trouble and the failure of these banks is simply the tip of the iceberg. Non-performing loans, loans that debtors are not paying off as agreed, but which have not yet been written off by the banks, have been on the rise the past two year. At this point 18% of all outstanding loans in Italy are non-performing. Reviving Italy’s economy will require sacrifices not just from Italians, but also from other EU members.

6. Cloud Computing Will Disappear

Nostradamus also predicted that the term ‘cloud’ will disappear from the phrase ‘cloud computing’ by 2017 because most of the computers will simply be assumed to be done in the cloud.

5. Superpower Sclerosis

The current superpower, referring to USA, will become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent to take care of the world. Ideological polarization, political corruption, growing inequality, globalization of corporate and financial elites, and large-scale social system failures will be the growing factors in the sclerosis.

4. Wars over Global Warming

Nostradamus believed the possibilities of ‘Hot Wars’ could be escalated in 2017 due to global warming and diminishing resources. As far as the warfare itself goes, the greatest threat in the future will be terrorists and bio-attacks.

3. Commercial Space Travel

Commercial space travel is the real deal, but beyond orbital flights things will become exponentially more difficult. The moon, asteroids and mining missions are unlikely targets within the next two years.

2. More Widespread Use of Solar Power

By 2017, solar technologies could account for a significant portion of global power generation, according to Nostradamus, helping economies and businesses guard against rising energy costs and the impact of climate change.

1.North Korea & South Korea Merger

North Korea and South Korea will merge. Kim Jong-un will be dethroned and will seek refuge in Russia. NORTH Korea dictator Kim Jong-un is “crueller” and more dangerous than his father. The youngest scion of the ruling family which has dominated North Korea for 65 years inherited the leadership of the “Democratic People’s Republic” on 17 December 2011 upon the death of his father. Since that dreadful day, Kim Jong-un has caused a perilous international crisis by testing a nuclear weapon and threatening to use it against America and South Korea. He also distributed a strange photograph of himself purportedly in the act of ordering “merciless” nuclear strikes against the US mainland.

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