Recycle Bin for Pendrive


                  All of us know the basic fact that, whenever we delete something from a USB flash drive or pendrive, it never goes to the system’s recycle bin. So, isn’t this feature a little bit annoying when we accidently delete something from our pendrive. Now here is a solution for this problem. You can use iBin, a free application which creates a portable Recycle Bin on your USB flash drive.
Whenever you delete something on your USB drive it will give you an option Dump into Bin. Later, when you need to recover or permanently delete any file, then just right click on iBin tray icon and click on Dumping Management. Here you have options for restoring and for permanent deletion.

This is quite a simple trick, to rename your PC’s recycle bin. If you ask me the purpose of it…. well, you can just amaze your friends with a dazzling name for your recycle bin.

The following are the steps to be done:
1) Goto start, Open RUN and type regedit and press enter.The Registry editor will open.
2)Now go to:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and change the name “Recycle Bin” to whatever name you wish (don’t type any quotes).



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