YouTube Shaking

YouTube Shake

 Do you know what is harlem Shake? It was a 30 seconds meme that was

popular early February. Now you can see YouTube dancing with a search


Just go to Youtube and search for

                     “ do the harlem shake ” 

and wait for few seconds. Be sure to type the text without quote  After few seconds, you will

see YouTube logo bouncing and dancing.  The search results and other page

elements will also shake. Really nice Type Do the Harlem Shake on YouTube

and See Youtube shaking  youtube web internet how to   . You will also see a

pause button at the left side of the search box. To stop the dance, yo can

click on the pause button.

Google always perform experiment with all its product and try to make

products easier to use. In the series, it also do some kind of fun like easter

egg. Today, Google has also added a nice web presentation to teach world

how its powerful search engines works.

If You Like the Trick Share It with your friends……..Good Luck



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